So Slow, Mojo! Updated!

What IS the matter with a person who is between quilts projects, and cannot decide upon the next one?  I am there.  I feel as if I have writer's block with my sewing machine!  Quilter's Block.  (pun intended or not)

I did make my August bee blocks for Linn before she smacked me with her royal wand!  (hi Linn!)

I'm always glad when something I make goes into a charity quilt.  But how do YOU break that awful feeling when you don't know where to start again?  

I did received some kind suggestions, and pulled fabric, and played with it a little.  I also cleaned off my cutting table!!  What a big help that was!!

Suggestions helpful!!  I shall link up to  Sew Cute Tuesday at Blossom Heart Quilts and maybe some inspiration will strike!

I will have two new quilt tops to piece and have fun with, while getting my two tops ready to quilt.  One is from a magazine I already own (and bought solely because I love the cover quilt) here, and the other is from a tutorial from Suz, and I love it because it is Scrappy and FUN!  




  1. I search Pinterest and find something that I love. And then decide if I love it enough to try to re-create it in my own style. Or I pull out a sketch book and start doodling. Or I take a nap. :) Good luck finding your sewjo again, and hopefully finding a fun, creative process for yourself along the way!

  2. So funny you posted this at this exact time; I'm feeling exactly the same way. I have 3 tops that need basted and quilted but I want to start another project. I *think* I know what fabric I want to use so I've been scouring Pinterest and quilt blogs to find a pattern that speaks to me. Good luck! Hopefully you'll find your next project soon. :)

  3. Pinterest is always good. Have a look through quilts or other images/ideas you've already pinned - if you're anything like me you might pin away but not really remember what's on your boards until you have a browse through.

  4. Oooo, creative block is the worst! I generally pin a HEAP of stuff - then look through my pins and pick something easy. And cleaning my studio often gets the mojo flowing again. Hope your block disappears soon.


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